
It is COLD, let's PLAY outside

Coldplay's new single entitled Christmas Lights is officially launched today!
Yeay such a great great news since I love Coldplay since forever, yes I love them like really really really +1000 love them!
Can't wait for their 5th album and I do really hope they will come to Jakarta, Om Adrie please help me, I am dying to see them LIVE!

I cannot stop listen to Christmas Lights. I've played it like 20 times today LOL
The music video is super brilliant, really, and they play such good tunes! Cant say more.
By the end of the video, you can spot a phrase in Latin saying CREDO ELVEM ETIAM VIVERE means I do believe Elvis is alive. My question is: who is Elvis?
Is it Elvis Presley? LOL skip that.

*Is it really Elvis? Maybe it supposes to be Elves

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