Hehe. Look at me now. Another philosopher wannabe in town :P
Makbul pasti ngakak kalo baca tulisan yang aku bold ini haha..
Akhirnya jd juga ikut kelas di STF, and it was Fun (well, semoga aja masih FUN sampai akhir!)
Tadinya udah males berangkat karena I had a super bad hair day, dan agak-agak membuat malas untuk kemana-mana.
Namun, kehendak mengalahkan kemalasan, then I went to Salemba by Buswe, ketemu Fira di ex Cafe Corner, then naik angkot sampe ketemu Kali dan simpang lima, turun, masuk ke gang, tadaaa..finally sampe STF jam setengah 7. Telat dan kelasnya penuh banget, jd kebagian duduk dibelakang.
and I was sitting behind a girl in red tank top yang ternyata adalah Ayu Utami. Hihi xD
Semenit sebelum aku realise itu mbak Ayu, aku sama Fira sempet ngomongin soal Bilangan Fu dan hal-hal yg dibicarakan di buku itu. Whoo-a. Penulisnya lagi ikut kuliah juga haha. Pas banget materinya tentang Baruch Spinoza dan Allah sebagai substansi yang tunggal (Haha If only I knew maksudnya apa..)
I wrote the extract on my note book, and I hope I could understand the whole concept of Baruch after I re-read it. I am so into philosophy..biarpun otakku tidak secemerlang Zaki ataupun Ayu Utami. Namun aku suka, and willing to join the class and learn more and read more :)
My 1st philosophy class was a blast!
Bahkan tadi ketemu sama orang yang juga dateng ke ultahnya SET. Namanya Mbak Emi, ternyata dia temennya Mbak Rina while Fira anak buahnya Mbak Rina dan aku adalah anak buahnya Fira. Hhaha silly :P
Mbak Emi ngenalin aku karena dia inget tas coklat yang kupakai. Uwoow, what a blast!
Yaah begitulah, and I cant even wait for my next philosophy class on 7th Sept 09 which is next Monday!
Billi not Jean
Udah mulai bosen dirumah!
tapi bagus deh bosennya ketika sudah menjelang masuk kuliah.
Pia soalnya kemarin ngomong gini: Argg lo baru bosen (sarcastic) gue udah bosen dari kapan tauk!
haha at least sekarang aku ngerasain bosen yang sama kayak Pia, and it is deadly bored!!
Oia jadi inget kalo I draw a monster few weeks ago. It such an ugly monster and I named him Billi. Why Billi? I dunno. It came up to my mind after I finished creating him.
This is Billi. Bilii say Hi to ur auntie, dear..
tapi bagus deh bosennya ketika sudah menjelang masuk kuliah.
Pia soalnya kemarin ngomong gini: Argg lo baru bosen (sarcastic) gue udah bosen dari kapan tauk!
haha at least sekarang aku ngerasain bosen yang sama kayak Pia, and it is deadly bored!!
Oia jadi inget kalo I draw a monster few weeks ago. It such an ugly monster and I named him Billi. Why Billi? I dunno. It came up to my mind after I finished creating him.
See how Billi can eat you up with his big MOUTHEAD, and look he has cute eyelashes and cool rollerblade. Billi must be the coolest kid on the block right now!
Anyway, I'm going to Salemba this evening. Zacky showed me a brochur from Driyarkara School of Philosophy and I am sooo excited to join :)
I am so into it, and I think it can help me to write my thesis. Hhe hehe. I'm going there with Fira and I will try the free trial first. Hoh, ga sabar mau cepet-cepet jam 6!
I do miss my boyfie this day!
Kangen terus setiap hari, hihi. Seven months full of LOVE. Haihahahaaa :)
Anyway, I'm going to Salemba this evening. Zacky showed me a brochur from Driyarkara School of Philosophy and I am sooo excited to join :)
I am so into it, and I think it can help me to write my thesis. Hhe hehe. I'm going there with Fira and I will try the free trial first. Hoh, ga sabar mau cepet-cepet jam 6!
I do miss my boyfie this day!
Kangen terus setiap hari, hihi. Seven months full of LOVE. Haihahahaaa :)
A Short Scenario
(Gasp, smile)
Mau jalan sampe keujung dunia pun,
aku hayoo aja kalo sama kamu!
aku hayoo aja kalo sama kamu!
Will you answer it for me?
Karena aku selalu senang jalan kaki sama kamu!
Dari dulu-Febuari yang lalu sampai sekarang, dan seterusnya :D
Karena aku selalu senang jalan kaki sama kamu!
Dari dulu-Febuari yang lalu sampai sekarang, dan seterusnya :D
It was FUN, really :)
I am talking about the 22nd SET anniversary @ TIM last Thursday. Whoo-a. It was a blast you know. Actually I didnt really put myself into the show because I had to prepare my self to ANNOUNCE and RE-ANNOUNCE some simple informations for the guesses, and I had to repeat these kind of sentence over and over again :
"Diberitahukan kepada para tamu undangan, Adzan maghrib telah berkumandang. Silahkan menikmati hidangan yang telah disediakan. Selamat berbuka puasa"
"Bagi yang ingin solat magrib, musholla tersedia dibelakang saya"
and the people was confused I guess, because what stood behind me was a WALL not even a room to pray!
and I had to repeat the information: musholla ada dibelakang saya..dipersilahkan masuk ke aula teater kecil karena acara akan segera dimulai etc, which I was sure nobody listened because everybody was busy, so busy that day. I was busy too, busy meeting with some old fellas; Zacky, Niku, Nindy, Fahim, Reka, Agung, Andi, Hanny, Irfan haha.
After all I did my job well :D
and I wish that they will put picture of me in some newspaper (haha well I stood behind mas Garin that day, so if you see mas Garin's pic standing in front of the stage, I will be the one who stand behind him :P) and I do really wish that I can dance on a stage like Nadine (yes one of the Chandrawinatas) did with mas Eko Supriyanto (He is such a great dancer!! I saw him dance and I was "Ooow..". You can see his performance in Generasi Biru Movie).
How I want to be a stage perfomer..
and after the blast ended, Mbak Lia told me that we're going to had supper before we went home. Then we went to Black Canyon Coffee in Cikini. I ate Fussili dip in Tom Yum soup and drank Frosted Lime. It was great, but I couldnt finished the Fussili off because it was too much :P
I can wait for others BLAST!!
"Diberitahukan kepada para tamu undangan, Adzan maghrib telah berkumandang. Silahkan menikmati hidangan yang telah disediakan. Selamat berbuka puasa"
"Bagi yang ingin solat magrib, musholla tersedia dibelakang saya"
and the people was confused I guess, because what stood behind me was a WALL not even a room to pray!
and I had to repeat the information: musholla ada dibelakang saya..dipersilahkan masuk ke aula teater kecil karena acara akan segera dimulai etc, which I was sure nobody listened because everybody was busy, so busy that day. I was busy too, busy meeting with some old fellas; Zacky, Niku, Nindy, Fahim, Reka, Agung, Andi, Hanny, Irfan haha.
After all I did my job well :D
and I wish that they will put picture of me in some newspaper (haha well I stood behind mas Garin that day, so if you see mas Garin's pic standing in front of the stage, I will be the one who stand behind him :P) and I do really wish that I can dance on a stage like Nadine (yes one of the Chandrawinatas) did with mas Eko Supriyanto (He is such a great dancer!! I saw him dance and I was "Ooow..". You can see his performance in Generasi Biru Movie).
How I want to be a stage perfomer..
and after the blast ended, Mbak Lia told me that we're going to had supper before we went home. Then we went to Black Canyon Coffee in Cikini. I ate Fussili dip in Tom Yum soup and drank Frosted Lime. It was great, but I couldnt finished the Fussili off because it was too much :P
I can wait for others BLAST!!
the BUS, the TAXI and the KRS
Hi. I Just got back from college then went ahead to my (ex) office by taxi. How I thanks God jarak kampus-kantor gajauh, Al-Azhar ke Keramat Pela, kalo naik taxi tarif bawah bisa cuma habis 10.000-12.000 an hehe agak2 mahal kalo tiap hari bolak balik :(
FYI, kantor yg lama letaknya lebih menyenangkan. Di daerah Sinabung yang rimbun dan banyak pohon. Kalo naik ojek cepet dan cuma 7.000, pulangnya bisa jalan kaki 15 menit untuk bisa sampe halte Busway (haha halte Trans Jakarta sih but I prefer Busway biar Indonesia banget). Well, anyway, I kinda miss Sinabung. Ga terlalu suka sama kantor baru, agak2 susah dicapai kalo naik angkot. Harus melalui terminal Blok M yang panas gersang lalu naik Metromini. I hate Metromini. They have always been too rude for me :(
and humid.
and hot.
and ngetem.
Im happy yeah to use taxi today karena ada yang beli kalung DAYAK (I'll attached the pictures, cute pictures later) hehe jd ada duit lebih deh.
Lalu tadi gue kaget banget waktu bimbingan ngisi KRS. Well, masa gue cuma 16 sks hehe. Oh my God ternyata memang jatah sks gue tinggal dikit hihihi ga nyangka deh kalo sebentar lagi harus mulai nulis the so called sacred thesis! Ya ampuun, gue udah gede ya!! ck ck
Udah gede and miss my boyfie a lot.
lagi gada pulsa, jd ga bisa sms sms dehh :(
FYI, kantor yg lama letaknya lebih menyenangkan. Di daerah Sinabung yang rimbun dan banyak pohon. Kalo naik ojek cepet dan cuma 7.000, pulangnya bisa jalan kaki 15 menit untuk bisa sampe halte Busway (haha halte Trans Jakarta sih but I prefer Busway biar Indonesia banget). Well, anyway, I kinda miss Sinabung. Ga terlalu suka sama kantor baru, agak2 susah dicapai kalo naik angkot. Harus melalui terminal Blok M yang panas gersang lalu naik Metromini. I hate Metromini. They have always been too rude for me :(
and humid.
and hot.
and ngetem.
Im happy yeah to use taxi today karena ada yang beli kalung DAYAK (I'll attached the pictures, cute pictures later) hehe jd ada duit lebih deh.
Lalu tadi gue kaget banget waktu bimbingan ngisi KRS. Well, masa gue cuma 16 sks hehe. Oh my God ternyata memang jatah sks gue tinggal dikit hihihi ga nyangka deh kalo sebentar lagi harus mulai nulis the so called sacred thesis! Ya ampuun, gue udah gede ya!! ck ck
Udah gede and miss my boyfie a lot.
lagi gada pulsa, jd ga bisa sms sms dehh :(
Taken from Before Sunrise :)
Daydream delusion.
Limousine Eyelash.
Oh, baby with your pretty face Drop a tear in my wineglass.
Look at those big eyes See what you mean to me. Sweet cakes and milkshakes.
I am a delusioned angel.
I am a fantasy parade.
I want you to know what I think Don't want you to guess anymore.
You have no idea where I came from.
We have no idea where we're going Launched in life Like branches in the river.
Flowing downstream Caught in the current.
I'll carry you. You'll carry me.
That's how it could be.
Don't you know me?
Don't you know me by now?
Ivy Byrne, my dearest sister ever sent me an sms minutes ago.
and I was so HAPPY
Read it mate, and feel my happines :)
This one is for YOU to, mate!
Goodnight everyone. Wink.
*I put Ivy Byrne in purple because I know my sister adores purple so much!
and I was so HAPPY
to read it!
Read it mate, and feel my happines :)
Bestfriends are sisters and brothers
that destiny forgot to give.
and you know it is YOU!
that destiny forgot to give.
and you know it is YOU!
This one is for YOU to, mate!
Goodnight everyone. Wink.
*I put Ivy Byrne in purple because I know my sister adores purple so much!
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